Building Versatility into the Twin Boost: A Buffered Bypass
In the ongoing journey of developing the Twin Boost, my approach has always been hands-on, starting with existing designs and modifying them to explore new possibilities. This method, blending curiosity with problem-solving, has been instrumental in shaping my pedal designs.
The Twin Boost aims to deliver a mostly-clean yet characterful boost, featuring two independent channels and a direction toggle to switch the signal flow. Achieving the desired sound involved a journey of trial and error, understanding how different components influence tone, and researching the underlying physics to refine the design. The result is a boost that maintains clarity while adding its own distinctive flavour.
During testing, I noticed the Twin Boost performed optimally when following a buffered guitar signal. To ensure versatility across various pedalboard configurations, I decided to incorporate a buffered bypass. This would maintain signal integrity regardless of the pedal's position in the chain.
Designing a buffer to handle both the input and output seemed straightforward initially. However, integrating it with the Twin Boost's existing circuitry presented challenges. Testing the buffer independently with its own power supply yielded excellent results—transparent and stable. But when sharing the Twin Boost's 9V supply, the circuits interfered, disrupting the pedal's performance.
To address this, I plan to implement a 7809 voltage regulator for the buffer circuit, providing it with a dedicated, regulated 9V supply. This isolation should prevent interference between the buffer and the Twin Boost circuits. Additionally, incorporating decoupling capacitors will help stabilise the power supply, ensuring both circuits operate harmoniously.
This experience underscores the intricate relationship between creativity and technology in pedal design. Each challenge offers an opportunity to deepen my understanding of electronics and sound, reinforcing the importance of a hands-on, exploratory approach. As the Twin Boost evolves, I look forward to sharing further developments and insights from this journey.